Colton Trego

For as long as I can remember, I've loved spending time outdoors, with hunting, fishing, and camping forming the most memorable moments of my life. These activities have shaped who I am, and I am grateful for them. As a career firefighter, I work 24 hours on and 48 hours off. However, working part-time at multiple fire departments was taking too much time away from my young family.

I decided to pursue something different on my off days, something that promoted my passion for the outdoors and allowed me to help others achieve land ownership. I obtained my Real Estate license and now, on my days off, I travel southern Ohio meeting landowners and helping future landowners achieve their dreams. My passion for the outdoors and dedication to customer service will be evident from our first meeting. I'm looking forward to helping you achieve your goal of land ownership!

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Colton Trego is a real estate agent with Arrowhead Land Company in the Dayton, OH area experienced in buying and selling land. They currently have 8 properties on the market. Verify details with the profile owner.

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Dayton, OH 45424

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